Primera Ruta gastronòmica de Dos Déus
Del 23/09/22 al 23/10/22
La Gardela – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 7€
Vins i Tapes Galileu – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 4€
Inclou: Vermut
La Revolta. Cuina ecològica – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 5.90€
Safrà – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 12.50€
Inclou: Tàrtar
Nits i cap de setmana.
Restaurant Olivera – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 4.95€
Inclou: Vermut
Zurito Terrassa – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 9.00€
Inclou: Hamburguesa
Tecavins – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 6.50€
Inclou: Sardines
Al Panino Restaurant – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 15€
Inclou: Cua de bou
LA CISTELLERIA – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 6.70€
Inclou: Gambes
El Taller dels Silencis – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 12€
Inclou: Crep
El Cafè de l’Aula – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 4.50€
Inclou: Bacallà
Dijous i divendres de 19:00 a 22:30 h.
Restaurante Dlokos – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 6€
Inclou: Botifarra
Yummi Pastisseria – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 5.50€
L’Artesanna – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 8.50€
Inclou: Sardines
Restaurant L’Indret – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 14.50€
Dimecres i dijous de 20 a 20:45 h. A les 20:45 s'ha de deixar lliure la taula a no ser que et quedis a sopar.
Divendres i dissabte de 20:30 a 23 h (només durant el servei de sopar)
MESÓN LAS 4 ESQUINAS – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 6€
Dimarts a dijous migdia i nit.
Divendres i dissabte a la nit.
Nou Gaudí – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 4.95€
Dimarts 18:00–24:00
Dimecres 18:00–24:00
Dijous 18:00–24:00
Divendres 12:00–15:30, 18:00–1:00
Dissabte 12:00–15:30, 18:00–1:00
Diumenge 12:00–16:00
Cafè Central – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 3.95€
Inclou: Vermut
Cal Tonyina – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 5€
Inclou: Croquetes, Vermut
Las Forcas – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 4.50€
Inclou: Vermut
Mítica La Vella – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 4.50€
Inclou: Sardines
La Xicra Pastisseria – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 4.50€
Nou Gaudí – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 4.95€
Inclou: Rap, Vermut
Dimarts 18:00–24:00
Dimecres 18:00–24:00
Dijous 18:00–24:00
Divendres 12:00–15:30, 18:00–1:00
Dissabte 12:00–15:30, 18:00–1:00
Restaurante Dlokos – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 6€
La Gurmeteria – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 9.20€
LA CISTELLERIA – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 6.50€
Inclou: Foie
LA CISTELLERIA – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 4.90€
Juaner’s – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 22€
Inclou: Tacos
Dimarts a diumenge de 12 a 16 h i de 19 a 24 h.
Bar del Casal de cultura de Matadepera – Matadepera (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 4.95€
Inclou: Vermut
Santa Cereza – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 6.50€
Vegetarià / Vegà
Inclou: Braves
De la mà del vermut Dos Déus i de es celebrarà a Terrassa i Matadepera, des del 23 de setembre al 23 d’octubre, la I Ruta Gastronòmica del Vermut Dos Déus. Es tracta d’una Ruta on més de 20 restaurants i establiments de renom i singulars oferiran una proposta gastronòmica elaborada amb Vermut Dos Déus. Cada establiment oferirà la tapa a preu lliure i a l’horari que cregui convenient. Al final de la Ruta tant els participants com els ruteros podran guanyar premis.
La proposta gastronòmica consta de 2 categories
Plat de carta o tapa elaborada amb Vermouth Dos Déus
Consumició de Vermouth Dos Déus
La Ruta es podrà seguir a la Web i al perfil d’instagram, vermouthdosdeus i prioratlab
La gamma de Vermouth Dos Déus han estat creats per Priorat B&D Lab, a Bellmunt del Priorat, propietat i distribuïts per ABC Licor de Terrassa. Reconeguts i premiats als certàmens professionals més importants: Millor Vermut de l’Any 2021 i 2022 dels Premis Vinari, Gran Or en els Excellence Vermouth Awards, els San Francisco World Spirits Competition, etc.
Salut i Vermouth!
Matadepera (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Cafeteria . Restaurant
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Catering . Croqueteria . Hamburgueseria . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant . Vermuteria
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar de tapes . Restaurant . Vinacoteca
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Restaurant . Restaurant gourmet . Vermuteria . Vinacoteca
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Croqueteria . Delicatessen . Entrepaneria . Hamburgueseria . Restaurant . Tapes gourmet
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Hamburgueseria . Restaurant
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar de tapes . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Restaurant . Tapes gourmet
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Botiga de menjar preparat . Cafeteria . Pastisseria . Restaurant
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Creperia . Restaurant . Specialty Coffee
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Alta cuina . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant gourmet . Tapes gourmet
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Delicatessen . Granja . Pizzeria . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar de tapes . Botiga gourmet . Platillos i vinets . Vinacoteca
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Bar de tapes . Restaurant