Del 10/03/22 al 27/03/22
Restaurant L’Indret – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 40€
Inclou: Bacallà, Burrata, Canelons
Tancat diumenge i dilluns.
Dimarts de 13:00 a 16:00 h.
De dimecres a dissabte de 13:00 a 16:00 h i de 20:30 a 23:00 h
La Xicra Pastisseria – Barcelona (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 3.10€
Dissabte i diumenge de 8:30 a 13:30 h
LA FELI – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 10.9€
Vegetarià / Vegà
Inclou: Formatge, Hamburguesa, Vedella
Sa illa – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 5€
Inclou: Braves, Olives, Vermut
De dilluns a dissabte de 18 a 20:30 h.
Dissabtes de 12 a 13:30 h.
Nou Gaudí – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 4€
fins les 20H
Zurito Terrassa – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 9.90€
Apte per celíacs
Inclou: Bacallà
De 12 a 22 h.
Restaurant La Venta – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 9.90€
Inclou: Coca, Tòfona
De dimarts a diumenge migdia de 13:30 a 15:30h
LA CISTELLERIA – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 30€
Inclou: Formatge, Pasta, Salmó, Xai
Migdies i nits de dilluns a dissabte.
Migdia diumenge.
La Gurmeteria – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 5.30€
De dimarts a dissabte migdia i nit ( de 13 a 15.:30 i de 20 a 23 h.)
El Camagroc Blau – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 8€
Apte per celíacs
Inclou: Albergínia, Vedella
Santa Cereza – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Preu: 6.50€
Inclou: Vegà
De 18:00h a 21:00h
Restaurant La Venta
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar de tapes . Platillos i vinets . Producte gourmet . Restaurant . Restaurant gourmet . Tapes gourmet
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar de tapes . Platillos i vinets . Producte gourmet . Restaurant . Restaurant gourmet . Tapes gourmet
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Restaurant . Restaurant gourmet . Vermuteria . Vinacoteca
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Restaurant . Restaurant gourmet . Vermuteria . Vinacoteca
Santa Cereza
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Creperia . Restaurant . Specialty Coffee
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Creperia . Restaurant . Specialty Coffee
EL Dot
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Catering . Croqueteria . Hamburgueseria . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant . Vermuteria
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Catering . Croqueteria . Hamburgueseria . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant . Vermuteria
Zurito Terrassa
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Bar de tapes . Restaurant
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Bar de tapes . Restaurant
Nou Gaudí
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Delicatessen . Granja . Pizzeria . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Delicatessen . Granja . Pizzeria . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant
Restaurant L’Indret
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Restaurant . Tapes gourmet
Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content.)
Restaurant . Tapes gourmet