Menú setmanal

BENTO A / 12.90€
BENTO JAPANESE CREATION – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
BENTO B / 12.90€
BENTO JAPANESE CREATION – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
BENTO JAPANESE CREATION – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
TASTETS / 17.90€
BENTO JAPANESE CREATION – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Menú setmanal migdia / 11€
El Doll Bretó – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Inclou: Albergínia, Amanida, Anxoves, Bolets, Botifarra, Crep, Formatge, Olives, Sense gluten, Xocolata
Menú de migdia del mundial / 16.50€
LA CISTELLERIA – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Postres de les jornades gastronòmiques / 27€
La Xicra Pastisseria – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Complet / 8.50€
Milch and Zucker – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Inclou: Amanida, Focaccia
Mig menú / 6.50€
Milch and Zucker – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Inclou: Amanida, Focaccia
Tardor de cuina i Bolets 2021 / 24€
Zurito Terrassa – Terrassa (Your location is needed to show this content. Km)
Inclou: Amanida, Braves, Canelons, Croquetes, Pollastre
Desplaça cap amunt