Resultats de búsqueda


L’Obrador Catering
Botiga de menjar preparat . Botiga gourmet . Catering . Pizzeria . Xef a domicili

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Casanovas Selecció
Botiga gourmet . Delicatessen . Xarcuteria artesana

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Bar Frankfurt Progreso
Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Entrepaneria . Frankfurt . Hamburgueseria . Restaurant

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Croq & Roll
Bar . Bar de tapes . Catering . Croqueteria . Platillos i vinets . Tapes gourmet . Tortillería

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Cervesa Gastronòmica Quatre Punts
Producte gourmet

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Producte gourmet

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Dist.: Your location is needed to show this content.

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La Trobada de Sanes
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Catering . Entrepaneria . Hamburgueseria . Pizzeria . Restaurant

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L’Hac restaurant

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Restaurant Can Vinyers

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Can Piqué

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Syrah gastroshop
Bodega . Botiga gourmet . Vinacoteca

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Can Pep Salt
Hamburgueseria . Pizzeria . Restaurant

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Bar . Bar de tapes . Bodega

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Casa Fuster Original
Braseria . Restaurant

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Viu by Tapiñas
Bar de tapes . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant . Tapes gourmet

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Tapiñas Carn

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Tapiñas Peix

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El Bullidor. Coffee & Food
Cafeteria . Restaurant

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El Set Restaurant

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4R Casablanca Restaurant
Arrosseria . Hotel . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant . Tapes gourmet

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Restaurant Masia Can Ametller

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Restaurant Embat

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Cafeteria pizzeria Centre Cívic Ullà
Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Hamburgueseria . Pizzeria . Restaurant

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Casa Pablo

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Bar . Restaurant

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Milch and Zucker

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Cal Trapella, Cuina de Mercat

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Botiga gourmet . Delicatessen . Vermuteria

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Els 80 Bar Cafetería
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Entrepaneria

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pastisseria arenas
Cafeteria . Catering . Creperia . Entrepaneria . Forn . Pastisseria

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Xitos vins i tapes
Bar de tapes . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant . Tapes gourmet . Vermuteria . Vinacoteca

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La Fàbrica 1909
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Croqueteria . Hamburgueseria . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant . Vermuteria

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Xef a domicili

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Restaurant Tivoli
Cafeteria . Restaurant

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Producte gourmet . Restaurant

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1905 Viladecavalls
Botiga de menjar preparat . Rostisseria

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Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Restaurant

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Zurito Terrassa
Bar . Bar de tapes . Restaurant

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Arrosseria . Bar de tapes . Restaurant

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Arrosseria . Botifarreria . Braseria . Croqueteria . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant . Tapes gourmet

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Jazz cava

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Bar . Bar de tapes . Botifarreria . Caves . Croqueteria . Vinacoteca

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Santa Cereza
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Creperia . Restaurant . Specialty Coffee

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El vapor gastronòmic
Braseria . Restaurant gourmet . Tapes gourmet

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Lluis & tu
Bar de tapes . Tapes gourmet

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Set de vi
Botiga de vins . Botiga gourmet

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Les brases de Torrella

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Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Restaurant . Restaurant gourmet . Vermuteria . Vinacoteca

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Melange restaurant

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9 cafè teatre
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria

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Yummi Pastisseria

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Restaurant La Venta
Bar de tapes . Platillos i vinets . Producte gourmet . Restaurant . Restaurant gourmet . Tapes gourmet

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Mun Cuina Evocativa

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Unanime Transversal

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Botiga de menjar preparat . Cafeteria . Restaurant . Rostisseria

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El Casal de Cultura de Vacarisses
Bar . Bar de tapes . Restaurant

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Syrah Gastropub
Bar de tapes . Restaurant . Vinacoteca

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La Bodegueta del Pagès
Bar de tapes . Bodega

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Punt Blau
Bar . Restaurant

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Bar . Braseria . Restaurant

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Fora de Carta 2.0
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Restaurant

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El Camagroc Blau

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Sa illa
Bar de tapes . Cafeteria

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Botiga gourmet

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El Gordo2 Restaurante
Arrosseria . Bar . Braseria . Cafeteria . Restaurant

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Restaurant . Restaurant gourmet

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Bar Restaurante Galaxia
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Restaurant

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Arrosseria . Rostisseria

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La Xicra Pastisseria
Cafeteria . Pastisseria

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Bar . Bar de tapes . Braseria . Entrepaneria . Restaurant

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La cuina del mercat
Bar . Bar de tapes . Entrepaneria

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La Rostisseria 1905 Font Vella
Botiga de menjar preparat . Rostisseria

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Restaurant El Social
Bar . Bar de tapes . Entrepaneria . Pizzeria . Restaurant

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Roll in restaurant
Restaurant . Tapes gourmet

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Ca la Torrades
Restaurant . Restaurant de fondue

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Bar de tapes . Tapes gourmet

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EL Dot
Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Catering . Croqueteria . Hamburgueseria . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant . Vermuteria

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Cal Tiki
Bar de tapes . Frankfurt

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Fora de Carta
Bar . Bar de tapes . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant

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Nou Gaudí
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Delicatessen . Granja . Pizzeria . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant

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La Rostisseria 1905 Terrassa Av Béjar
Botiga de menjar preparat . Rostisseria

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La Fonda Ristol
Catering . Restaurant

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Molí de Xim

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Vinyl Terrassa

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La Brasa de la Cistelleria
Braseria . Tapes gourmet

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La Gurmeteria
Bar de tapes . Restaurant

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9 nus mariner
Arrosseria . Restaurant

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John’s Tapes i Rustics
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Croqueteria . Hamburgueseria . Pizzeria . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant . Vermuteria

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Restaurant-Escola Torre Mossèn Homs
Restaurant . Restaurant gourmet

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Jazz café . Platillos i vinets

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El Cultural
Bar de tapes

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La Revolta. Cuina ecològica

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El Taller dels Silencis

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Botiga de menjar preparat . Botiga gourmet . Delicatessen

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Bar de tapes . Botiga gourmet . Platillos i vinets . Vinacoteca

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El Doll Bretó
Creperia . Restaurant

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Blossom Gastrobar
Arrosseria . Bar de tapes . Restaurant . Tapes gourmet

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El cel de les oques
Alta cuina . Restaurant . Restaurant gourmet

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Food & Bike Restaurant
Bar de tapes . Botifarreria . Braseria . Restaurant

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Botiga Cal Tonyina
Peixateria moderna

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Ca l’Ample
Restaurant . Restaurant gourmet

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La Finestreta de Terrassa
Bodega . Entrepaneria . Hamburgueseria . Sandvitxeria

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Garden Pizza Terrassa

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Restaurante Dlokos
Bar de tapes . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant

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Al Panino Restaurant
Braseria . Restaurant

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Restaurant Olivera
Cafeteria . Restaurant

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Bar del Casal de cultura de Matadepera
Bar . Cafeteria . Restaurant

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Cafè Central
Bar . Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Hamburgueseria . Restaurant

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Restaurant L’Indret
Restaurant . Tapes gourmet

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Botiga de menjar preparat . Cafeteria . Pastisseria . Restaurant

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El Cafè de l’Aula
Jazz café . Jazz club

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Vins i Tapes Galileu
Platillos i vinets

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Las Forcas
Braseria . Restaurant

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La Gardela
Bar de tapes

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el Peix. Taiet Restaurants.

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La Nova Restaurant
Arrosseria . Platillos i vinets . Producte gourmet . Restaurant . Tapes gourmet . Vermuteria

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Bodega . Botiga de vins . Caves . Celler . Vinacoteca

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Cal Tonyina
Alta cuina . Platillos i vinets . Restaurant gourmet . Tapes gourmet

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Mítica La Vella
Bar de tapes . Cafeteria . Croqueteria . Delicatessen . Entrepaneria . Hamburgueseria . Restaurant . Tapes gourmet

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